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Former Celtic Leeds United And Hibs Player Speaks Out About Incident With Rangers Legend

Graeme Souness' infamous tackle on George McCluskey

Former Celtic, Leeds United and Hibs player speaks out about incident with Rangers legend

McCluskey: "I respected Souness until he sliced my leg"

Former Celtic, Leeds United and Hibs striker George McCluskey has revealed how he respected Graeme Souness until the former Scotland skipper "sliced his leg" in a challenge during a match between Rangers and Hibs in 1986.

The incident occurred during Souness' debut for Rangers, and led to the Liverpool legend being sent off.

"I was just running down the line and he came in and just took me out," McCluskey told the Daily Record.

"I didn't know who it was at first, but then I saw it was Souness and I thought, 'Oh, here we go.'"

"He was a big guy and he was a hard man, but I didn't think he would do that to me.

"I respected him until that day. He was a great player, but he was also a dirty player."

McCluskey went on to say that the tackle left him with a scar on his leg that he still has to this day.

"It was a bad tackle," he said. "It was a red card all day long.

"I was lucky that I didn't break my leg. I was out for a few weeks, but I came back and played again.

"But I never forgot that tackle. It was one of the worst tackles I've ever seen."

Souness has never apologized for the tackle, but McCluskey says he has no hard feelings towards him.

"I'm not bitter about it," he said. "It was a long time ago. I've moved on.

"But I'll never forget that tackle. It was one of the most cowardly things I've ever seen."
